Provide health education workshops and menstruation kits to 300 girls in Livingstone, Zambia.

Young girls in Livingstone face a harsh reality – their dreams often remain unrealized due to many societal barriers. Only 25% of girls actually complete high school.

Some of the leading barriers preventing girls from accessing education are:

  • lack of sanitary products,
  • lack of knowledge about reproductive health,
  • and teenage pregnancy with a significant percentage of girls being married before the age of 18

You have the power to break these barriers.

Through health educational workshops and reusable menstruation kits, your support can empower young girls and women through ongoing gender equality programs that cover reproductive health, family planning, sex education, and body awareness.

However, without the funds, these workshops will have to stop by the end of September. During the month of August, our goal is to raise £5,000 to provide 300 girls with:

  • Weekly workshops, including healthy snacks
  • Their own menstruation kits

Donate today to provide girls the resources so they can access education and rise out of poverty.

  • £17 provides one girl access to health education workshops + menstruation kit
  • £51 provides three girls access to health education workshops + menstruation kits
  • £250 provides 15 girls with access to health education workshops + menstruation kits

How your support provides a sustainable impact:

In Zambia, women and girls face various obstacles that limit their rights and earning potential, including child marriages and gender-based violence.

African Impact Foundation commits to making gender equality a reality in Livingstone, Zambia.

Your generosity supports gender equality initiatives that aim to empower girls and women and address poverty and gender-based violence, factors, and outcomes of gender inequality. In promoting gender equality, you are working towards addressing gender disparities and the challenges women and girls face.

Your efforts will contribute to long-term economic growth and help create a world where equal opportunities and access to resources are available to everyone.

Create a world where women and girls have equal opportunities as men and boys. Join us now and make a difference together.

We need your help to create a world where women and girls have equal opportunities as men and boys. Join us now and make a difference together. We need your support!

Take action today to support our cause and help end poverty and inequality in Livingstone, Zambia.

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